The Best Value In Online Marketing


Website & Digital Marketing Packages

Association Packages & Pricing

The Best Value in Chiropractic Marketing & Website Services








- Modern Websites Tailored to Your Practice
- Track Leads, Appointments, and Web Stats in Our Website Portal

included included included included included included


- On-Page Optimization to Ensure Your Website Ranks Higher in Search Results
- Unique Quarterly Content and Pages for Your Most Profitable Services

included included included included included


- Take Control of Your Online Reputation, Track Online Reviews, and Respond Accordingly
- Automatically Update Your Practice Listings on Major Health Directories

included included included included


- Custom SEO content to get your website found for the topics that are most important to your patients.

included included included


- Provide patients with accurate information on their conditions, your services, and treatment plans.

included included


- Encrypted Email and Web Forms That Meet HIPAA Requirements.

included included


- Monthly Custom Written Blog or Service Page


Want To Build Your Own Package?


Want To Build Your Own Package?

Speak to one of our Online Chiro representatives to create your own custom package for your practice.

Our Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many email accounts do I get with my domain?

A: Each domain comes with up to 5 email addresses (i.e [email protected]). More can be requested by reaching out to our client service team.

Q: How long is my contract with Online Chiro?

A: With Online Chiro there are NEVER any contracts. We only bill you each month you have a program with us. We strongly believe in our customer for life philosophy with the aspiration we can earn and keep your trust every month.

Q: What comes with the basic package?

A: Our Basic Package starts with a professionally designed chiropractic website. Each website is customizable for your practice, mobile responsive, secure (SSL certificate), and accessible (ADA compliant). In addition, every website comes with 5 email accounts, over 50 pages of content, a built-in editor, an appointment and lead tracking tool, and unlimited customer support.

Q. Can I create my own package?

A: Yes, speak to one of our Online Chiro specialists and we’ll create your very own custom package that’s perfect for your practice.

Q: How long will it take to complete my website?

A: When you have your onboarding call, your site can go live after that call if you so choose. You can always make changes to your website at any time, but we also want to make sure that you are comfortable with your website prior to taking it live so you can work with your dedicated client service team to get your site live at your pace.

Q: How many pages will my website be?

A: At OnlineChiro, we have over 50 pages pre-loaded with content that you are free to use on your website with us. You can add, remove, edit, or delete any pages you want - there is no limit!

Q: Do you build Search Engine Optimization into websites?

A: With our Gold package, we add keywords and metadata to your website, as well as submit it to the major search engines, Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Q: How long does SEO take to work?

A: SEO can take months before you may start to see results - and that’s okay! No company can promise a quick, organic, rise to the top of the search engine results. This process takes time, so we would love to get started as soon as possible. We will also provide you a monthly report of your keywords and how they’re raking on the web so you can keep track of your growth on search engines.

Q: How do you determine keywords for my site?

A: On your onboarding call, we will go over the keywords for your website. We have a list of popular keywords that you can choose from as well if you’re unsure about which ones to choose. Choosing your services and surrounding areas for your keywords is a great place to start.

Q: Are the email addresses HIPAA Compliant?

A: The standard email addresses are not HIPAA secured but you can purchase for a nominal charge HIPAA Secure Email and Forms.

Q: Do you offer e-commerce services?

A: Yes, we offer 2 great solutions to help your practice start selling products online.

Q: Do I own my domain?

A: It's your domain and while we recommend managing it as our customer, that's only to ensure quicker site-live turnaround time and that we automatically renew your domain for you each year. If you need your domain or choose a new provider, we will quickly assist you with transferring your domain wherever you need it.

Q: Do I own my website if I decide to change providers?

A: You own the content, photos, and videos you provided during the length of your subscription. However, any content that we have provided, including the design, cannot be brought to another website provider.

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