6 Unethical SEO Shortcuts That May Be Harming Your Google Ranking

In the digital age, the strength of your chiropractic practice’s online presence is more than just a necessity—it’s your primary tool for attracting new patients. However, diving into the depths of search engine optimization (SEO) can be a daunting task. Many chiropractors struggle to find the time or resources to craft an SEO strategy that doesn’t just improve their online visibility but also translates directly into more appointments.

Steering Clear of SEO Pitfalls

Amidst the competitive rush for top spots in search engine rankings, it’s tempting to cut corners. Yet, the use of manipulative “black hat SEO” tactics can backfire, damaging your practice’s reputation and your relationship with patients. These strategies might offer a quick fix but at the cost of long-term credibility and trust.

Understanding the Impact

Digital Damage: The SEO Shortcuts That Can Backfire

Relying on unethical SEO practices can have dire consequences for your practice’s online health. Major search engines are on the lookout for such tactics and can impose severe penalties, ranging from dropping your rankings to completely removing your site from search listings.

The Human Cost: When SEO Undermines Patient Trust

The implications of unethical SEO extend beyond the digital realm, potentially harming the trust that patients place in your practice. Misleading tactics can lead to misinformation and erode the essential trust between chiropractor and patient.

Ethical SEO: Practices to Embrace and Avoid

To foster a healthy online presence and maintain the trust of your patients, it’s crucial to avoid these common traps:

1. Authenticity in Reviews: Trust in your practice begins with genuine patient reviews. Avoid the temptation of fabricating or buying reviews; authenticity shines through.

2. Keyword Integrity: Overloading your content with keywords can disrupt the user’s experience and attract penalties. Focus on creating valuable, reader-friendly content.

3. Truthfulness: Accurate, evidence-based content is non-negotiable. Misleading your audience can compromise patient care and damage your practice’s reputation.

4. Content Quality Matters: High-quality, relevant content reflects the caliber of your practice. Avoid the pitfall of publishing filler material that doesn’t serve your audience’s needs.

5. Honesty in Headlines: Clickbait headlines may drive temporary traffic, but they won’t build the lasting patient relationships your practice needs. Ensure your headlines accurately reflect the content.

6. Building Links Ethically: While backlinks are crucial for SEO, how you acquire them matters. Invest in creating content that naturally attracts links instead of purchasing them.

Ready to see the difference with our SEO services?

Partner with Online Chiro for Ethical Growth

Navigating SEO doesn’t have to be a solo journey. Online Chiro specializes in crafting customized, ethical SEO strategies that grow your chiropractic practice sustainably. Our commitment to integrity means you’ll not only reach more patients but build a foundation of trust and professionalism online.

Elevate your practice with Online Chiro and enjoy two FREE months of search engine optimization services designed to engage your audience and enhance your SEO efforts ethically. Discover the difference ethical SEO can make; request your personalized demo by clicking HERE to learn more.

7 Chiropractic Blog Topic Ideas To Build Patient Trust

Every minute of every day, there are 70,000+ health-related searches on Google, yet unfortunately, only 28% of healthcare marketers say they have a clearly documented healthcare content marketing strategy. Despite the value of blogging, the healthcare industry is lagging in this regard, as most practices don’t have the time or resources available to craft a compelling content marketing strategy. That’s why we have created these 7 blog post ideas to help your practice boost its online visibility and attract new patients.

1. Write Treatment or Procedure FAQs:

This is an ideal place to start because you likely have this information already written. Now, you can put it to use for you. Transform your common patient inquiries into a dedicated blog post, and then consider using individual FAQs as a jumping off point for more blog posts. For example, you might create a blog post titled, “Understanding Chiropractic Adjustments,” where you answer common questions about what to expect during a chiropractic adjustment, the benefits, any potential side effects, and how often patients should receive adjustments for various conditions. This efficient method not only serves as a valuable resource for existing patients but also attracts prospective patients searching online for answers. Click the link below for an example of a FAQs article.

Chiroup | Answers to Common Questions About Epidural Steroid Injections

2. Create a Post About Services, Procedures, or Treated Conditions:

Although not an obvious blog post, this is crucial for your online presence. These pages should effectively communicate what you offer, helping patients understand the scope of your practice. It establishes your authority within your practice and online. You might write a post about chiropractic care for sciatica, outlining symptoms of sciatica, how diagnosis is made, how chiropractic care can help alleviate those symptoms, the specific treatments offered, and patient testimonials related to sciatica treatment. Click the link below for an example of a procedures article.

Londer Family Chiropractic | Cold Laser Therapy

3. Make Those Listicles:

Engage your audience with list-driven posts. By organizing information in an accessible format, you cater to the varied needs of your readers, from those seeking general awareness to those ready for specific advice. A post titled, “10 Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care” could be a compelling listicle that highlights the advantages of chiropractic treatments, such as improved posture, relief from back and neck pain, enhanced athletic performance, and prevention of joint degeneration. Click the link below for an example of a list article.

Oviedo Chiropractic | 5 Reasons You Should See a Car Accident Chiropractor

4. Master Your ‘What Is’ Pillar Pages:

Create comprehensive guides that address all facets of a specific healthcare topic. This ambitious content should act as the cornerstone of your blog, supported by cluster content to enrich your site’s information network. For example, a pillar page titled “What Is Chiropractic Care?” could serve as a comprehensive guide, covering the history of chiropractic medicine, the philosophy behind it, various treatment techniques, conditions treated by chiropractors, and the science supporting chiropractic care. Click the link below for an example of a pillar page.

Plover Chiropractic Center | Custom Foot Orthotics

5. Use the News:

Offer your unique perspective on current health news, making your practice a source of informed analysis. If a new study is published showing the benefits of chiropractic care in treating headaches, you could write a blog post analyzing the study, explaining its significance, and discussing how these findings apply to your treatment approaches for patients with headaches. This strategy not only showcases your expertise but also engages your audience in meaningful discussions. Click the link below for an example of a news commentary article.

ChiroHealth USA | Positive Buzz for Military Chiropractic Use

Attract New Patients On Google

Get 2 FREE Months of Custom Blog Content for Your Medical Website

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6. Highlight Patient Testimonials:

Share detailed success stories and case studies to connect with your audience on a personal level. It’s easy to turn this into a series that patients enjoy, while also highlighting your success stories. A blog post like “John’s Journey to Relief: Overcoming Chronic Back Pain with Chiropractic Care” could include before-and-after scenarios, the treatment process, and quotes from John about how chiropractic care improved his quality of life.This type of blog post illustrates your practice’s commitment to personalized care and its positive impact on patient health. Click the link below for an example of a patient testimonials article.

Dr. Doug Howell Chiropractic & Wellness | Testimonials

7. Everybody Loves a “How To…” Guide:

Provide valuable step-by-step guidance on common health concerns. These informative posts build trust with your audience, showcasing your practice’s dedication to helping patients without expecting anything in return. A blog post titled “How to Improve Your Posture and Reduce Back Pain” can offer readers step-by-step advice on exercises, daily habits, and ergonomic adjustments for the workplace or home, all aimed at improving posture and reducing the risk of back pain. Click the link below for an example of a “How To” article.

Reinhardt Chiropractic & Wellness | How to Get A Slipped Disc Back into Place 

These ideas serve as the foundation of a solid blogging strategy, allowing you to leverage your knowledge and expertise to establish a strong online presence. Our expert team at Online Chiro is here to support you in this journey, offering everything from website creation to publishing custom content for your blog. Reach out for a free consultation to explore how we can help you succeed in the digital landscape.

10 Step SEO Checklist for Chiropractic Practices

Understanding and implementing SEO is crucial for chiropractic practices to thrive in the digital landscape. A significant portion of Google searches is health-related, highlighting the need for a strong online presence. This guide emphasizes starting with assessing your website’s Domain Authority, utilizing Google Analytics for insights into visitor behavior, and ensuring your site is listed on Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster for technical optimization. Additionally, submitting a site map and creating quality backlinks are vital steps. Establishing a presence on high-authority healthcare platforms, monitoring online reviews, and setting up a Google My Business profile are also recommended to enhance visibility and attract more patients. Claiming profiles on Vitals and WebMD can further boost your practice’s online credibility and reach.

1. Find Your Website’s Domain Authority Score

It’s important to start with a baseline understanding of your website’s Domain Authority. Think of it like taking the temperature of your site to understand its overall health. Domain Authority (DA) measures your website’s potential ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs), with scores ranging from 1 to 100. Higher scores indicate a greater likelihood of ranking well. DA is predicted through machine learning based on a domain’s presence in Google’s search results, where scores of 40-50 are average, 50-60 are good, and above 60 are excellent. Use the free Moz domain authority checker tool to find your site’s score.

2. Utilize Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free, user-friendly tool that provides insights into how visitors arrive at and interact with your website. It offers a dashboard for tracking trends, traffic, keyword usage, page popularity, visitor duration, and conversion actions like email sign-ups or appointments. Use it to understand how people are finding your site, and which elements are helping or hurting converting users into your patients. Utilizing this data is key to optimizing your site’s overall performance.

3. Set Up Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster

Two other free tools are important for finding and resolving any technical issues with your site that may be impeding your performance. Google Search Console (GSC) offers insights on search traffic, including impressions, clicks, click through rates (CTR), and allows for the identification and resolution of technical issues to boost search performance. Bing Webmaster performs similar functions for Bing, aiding in site indexing, solving ranking issues, and analyzing backlinks. Both tools are essential for optimizing search engine visibility.

4. Submit a Site Map

This step can be easy to overlook but is a significant factor in your site’s overall performance. In simple terms, it tells search engines exactly how to find you, rather than relying on them to discover you. Think of it like a needle in a haystack emitting a signal—simple to do and worth it for quick results. A sitemap outlines your website’s structure, guiding search engines on which pages to crawl for ranking, which is essential for SEO. Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster both allow submission of sitemaps, which can significantly increase site visibility and traffic by ensuring main content pages are indexed.

5. Create Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are links from other sites to yours, serving as a key ranking factor for search engines. Basically, these links increase your credibility with search engines, indicating that your content is useful. Aim for over 60 quality backlinks for optimal performance, with 40-50 being adequate. Avoid paying for backlinks as they are often schemes; instead, seek natural inclusion on high-authority sites to boost your site’s visibility and credibility, such as setting up a professional profile on reputable platforms. Some examples might include setting up profiles on reputable healthcare or chiropractic directories and review sites, or engaging with local community events and getting mentioned on their websites.

6. Keep an Active Watch on Your Review

Online reviews can make or break a business. Over 90% of people read online reviews before choosing healthcare providers, with many influenced to choose or avoid doctors based on these reviews. It’s crucial for healthcare professionals to actively monitor and manage their online reputation across platforms like WebMD, Vitals, and Google My Business. And keep in mind that high-ranking reviews from authoritative sites like these also boost visibility. Responding to both positive and negative feedback can enhance your reputation, showing commitment to patient satisfaction. Reputation management software from OnlineChiro makes this task much easier to manage.

7. Set Up Google My Business

Google My Business allows your practice to appear on Google Maps and enables customer interactions through reviews and questions. It’s a free platform to update practice information, such as hours and services, enhancing local search visibility. Utilizing this tool provides insights into how people discover your practice, offering opportunities to optimize your profile for better search performance. For example, you might add keywords related to new services offered at your practice to improve search results.

8. Claim Free Healthcare Directory Profiles

Provider profiles on healthcare directories like WebMD, Vitals, ZocDoc and Healthgrades not only help patients find you within the directory, but also help boost your website’s rankings on search engines like Google. A free healthcare directory profile sends signals to Google that your chiropractic practice is in operation and therefore be indexed and featured in search results.

9. Claim Free Business Directory Profiles

Chiropractic professionals can also utilize free business directory profiles like Yellow Pages, Yelp for Business, and Foursquare to boost their website’s ranking on search engines. Although patients may not be using these specific platforms to find a doctor, listing your profile builds your website’s overall domain authority and tells Google that other reputable websites are mentioning your chiropractic practice.

10. Consider SEO Services from OnlineChiro

OnlineChiro has a team of experts with proven success in SEO strategy and practice, specific to the chiropractic industry. This takes all of the guesswork out of setting up and maintaining an SEO strategy, and is an efficient way to get appointment-ready, local patients finding your practice quickly and easily.


Boosting your website’s search rankings is essential in today’s digital-first healthcare environment, where patients frequently research providers and health information online. A strategic approach to SEO is critical to ensure your practice appears prominently where potential patients are searching. Diversifying your online presence through various authoritative health platforms, optimizing your site for SEO, and managing online reviews are key steps to enhance visibility, attract patients, and build a strong online reputation for sustained success.

About Online Chiro

Online Chiro is a unique, affordable online marketing service for chiropractors, offering powerful websites, advertising, social media, reputation management, search engine solutions, telemedicine, and patient education. Unlike most digital marketing services, we have deep insight into the chiropractic industry, which allows us to seamlessly market practices and maximize our client’s success.

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